POET Bioprocessing - Jewell, Iowa, consumes approximately 24 million bushels of locally-grown corn and produces 90 million gallons of bioethanol annually. POET Bioprocessing - Jewell not only provides an environmentally-friendly fuel, but also a premium, high-quality livestock feed for regional, national and international markets.
Operation start-up began in March 2006. POET Bioprocessing - Jewell was built by Sioux Falls, SD-based Poet Design & Construction, who began building ethanol plants in the 1980s.
We are proud to enhance the local economy with improved corn prices, value-added markets for farmers, good-paying jobs, and increased local tax revenue.
Maintenance Technician I, II, or III | Jewell, IA |
Environmental Health and Safety Specialist | Jewell, IA |
Plant Technician | Jewell, IA |
Shift Supervisor | Jewell, IA |
Plant Engineer | Jewell, IA |
Hours of Operation
Administrative Office
Mon - Fri, 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Corn Receiving & Scalehouse
Mon - Fri, 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM
(Times subject to change -
See Bids Page for current
corn receiving hours)
DDGS Loading
Mon - Fri, 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Ethanol Loading
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
POET Bioprocessing - Jewell
2601 320TH ST.
JEWELL, IA 50130
PH: 515.827.6050
FAX: 515.827.6169
GRAINS: 515.827.6017